Mw2 Console Commands

The best console codes in 1 page
The best console codes in 1 page

party_hostmigration 0 type this in your party before finding a game
party_connecttimeout 1 this to and you whil be the host ^^ search game ;-)

badhost_endGameIfISuck "0" # If you are a badhost the game will not end
party_minplayers "1" # start a loby if you are the only one in it

sv_maxclients 18
party_maxplayers 18
scr_dm_timelimit 1


g_gametype dm
g_gametype tdm
g_gametype dom
g_gametype sd
g_gametype ctf
g_gametype koth
g_gametype war
g_gametype gtnw
g_gametype arena
g_gametype sab

g_hardcore 0 0= off 1= on
scr_thirdperson 0 0= off 1= on
scr_thirdPerson 0 switch between 1/0 if you want third person 1 if not 0
scr_game_allowkillcam 0 switch between 1/0 if you want kill cam enabled
scr_team_fftype 1 switch between 1/0(2) if you want friendly fire on = 1 off = 0 and reflect is 2 i think (never tried)



scr_nukeCancelMode 0 (cancels nuke)
scr_nukeTimer 10 (seconds til nuke goes boom)
scr_airdrop_nuke x <--- replace x with a number. the higher the number the better chance of getting a nuke from airdrop.
scr_airdrop_mega_nuke x <--- replace x with a number. the higher the number the better the chance of a nuke from a emergency air drop
scr_game_onlyheadshots 0

g_speed x <--- change the speed players run at the higher the x the faster you go
g_gravity x <--- change gravity. the higher the gravity the more you fly around
scr_player_forcerespawn 0 <--- turn respawn on/off. 0 is off

jump_height 800 from 1 (default 33) max 1000 this will set the jump height
bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 10001 (300 default) no explain needed.
g_speed 500 normal 190 the speed for the game dont use higher then 1000 XD (you can higher but you cant play anymore)
g_gravity 200 the gravity defauld 600 (i thought) zero 0 No gravity

bg_fallDamageMinHeight 10000 (128 default) no explain needed.
player_sprintUnlimited 1 You get unlimited sprint.
player_sprintSpeedScale 3 you speed you sprint
player_sprintCameraBob 0 and this is the man behind who runs behind you with the camera named bob

scr_maxPerPlayerExplosives 10 :-)

With these commands you can knife from far distance. Tested in Highrise from buidling to buiding XD

perk_extendedMeleeRange 176 Give a extended range for the commando perk
player_meleeHeight 10 no explain needed
player_meleeRange 64 no explain needed
player_meleeWidth 10 no explain needed

map mp_afghan
map mp_boneyard (Real map name Scrapyard)
map mp_brecourt (Wasteland)
map mp_checkpoint (Karachi)
map mp_derail
map mp_estate
map mp_favela
map mp_highrise
map mp_nightshift (Skidrow)
map mp_invasion
map mp_quarry
map mp_rundown
map mp_rust
map mp_subbase
map mp_terminal
map mp_underpass

status <--- Get players ID numbers
clientkick idhere <--- using status kick a player by puting his ID number there.
kick players name

The number on the end is the chance
if you have 17 then you have more change on that item instead of 1 ofcourse XD
All the mega airdrop commands need a restart beforce they work!!
Emercency Airdrop
scr_airdrop_mega_ac130 "2"
scr_airdrop_mega_ammo "12"
scr_airdrop_mega_counter_uav "16"
scr_airdrop_mega_emp "0"
scr_airdrop_mega_harrier_airstrike "5"
scr_airdrop_mega_helicopter "5"
scr_airdrop_mega_helicopter_flares "3"
scr_airdrop_mega_helicopter_minigun "2"
scr_airdrop_mega_nuke "0"
scr_airdrop_mega_precision_airstrike "10"
scr_airdrop_mega_predator_missile "14"
scr_airdrop_mega_sentry "16"
scr_airdrop_mega_stealth_airstrike "3
scr_airdrop_mega_uav "12"

All the airdrop commands need a restart beforce they work!!
Normale care packige
scr_airdrop_ac130 "3"
scr_airdrop_ammo "17"
scr_airdrop_counter_uav "15"
scr_airdrop_emp "1"
scr_airdrop_harrier_airstrike "7"
scr_airdrop_helicopter "7"
scr_airdrop_helicopter_flares "5"
scr_airdrop_helicopter_minigun "3"
scr_airdrop_nuke "0"
scr_airdrop_precision_airstrike "11"
scr_airdrop_predator_missile "12"
scr_airdrop_sentry "12"
scr_airdrop_stealth_airstrike "5"
scr_airdrop_uav "17"

From a private match to a public match with XP

xblive_privatematch "0"
xblive_hostingprivateparty "0"
onlineunrankedgameandhost "0"

scr_dd_addtime "2.5"
scr_dd_bombtimer "45"
scr_dd_defusetime "5"
scr_dd_numlives "0"
scr_dd_planttime "5"
scr_dd_playerrespawndelay "0"
scr_dd_promode "0"
scr_dd_roundlimit "3"
scr_dd_roundswitch "1"
scr_dd_scorelimit "1"
scr_dd_timelimit "2.5"
scr_dd_waverespawndelay "0"
scr_dd_winlimit "2"
scr_diehard "0"